Sunday, June 8, 2014

Day 42

Good morning

My soul is also sore vexed: but thou, O Lord, how long?
Return, O Lord, deliver my soul: oh save me for thy mercies' sake. 
Psalms 6:3,4

Refreshing water in the morning!
And during the day...
Ideal: 2 cups of warm water as soon as I wake up.
Sometimes I have tea.

Some are not impressed with the necessity of eating and drinking to the glory of God. The indulgence of appetite affects them in all the relations of life. It is seen inthe family, in the church, in the prayer meeting, and in the conduct of their children. It is the curse of their lives. It prevents them from understanding thetruths for these last days.CG 392.3}

What we eat and drink has an important bearing upon our lives and characters, and Christians should bring their habits of eating and drinking into conformity to the laws of nature. We must sense our obligations to God in these matters. Obedience to the laws of health should be made a matter of earnest study, for willing ignorance on this subject is sin. Each one should feel a personal obligation to carry out the laws of healthful living. {CG 392.4}

Working a lot...

Removí um arbusto velho...
Plantei um pé de caqui e estou trabalhando um pedaço de terra dura e pedregosa para plantar 
uma cerejeira. Será que vai dar certo?

Pé de caqui


My exercise:

Working on my garden for about 3-4 hrs

Add at least extra 15 - 20 minutes for stretching.

We are vegetarian/vegan - I don't cook with eggs and dairy products. But sometimes for different reasons occasionally we have it.  

Good night.

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