Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Day 51

Good morning

19 I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live
Deuteronomy 30:19

Refreshing water in the morning!
And during the day...
Ideal: 2 cups of warm water as soon as I wake up.
Sometimes I have tea.


We all recognize the value and importance of the choices. What we forget, in general, is the fact that small choices affect the large ones. 
Moreover, the sequence of choices determines the direction of life.

If you want to go north, you do not get there by making choices toward the south, following precisely the opposite direction. This truth is very simple, but crucial. Many think they will reach particular purpose, be it happiness in marriage, job satisfaction, a course of study, a healthy lifestyle or the ultimate goal of every true Christian, eternal life, simply "wishing" to get there. However, the desire is not fulfilled regardless of our daily decisions and direction adopted.

Meditate on the reality of the following: "One can take a moment decisions determining the condition of a person forever. [...] For a momentary act of will you can put yourselves in the power of Satan; will be necessary, however, more than a momentary act of will to break his chains and achieve a higher and holy life. May form the desire, start work, but its realization will require toil, time and perseverance, patience and sacrifice. The man who turns away from God deliberately in full light will notice, when he wants to go back, which grew thistles and thorns on the path to tread and he need not be surprised or discouraged if he is compelled to walk long with torn and bleeding feet "

(Ellen G. White, Minha Consagração Hoje, p. 322).

I have often observed the reality of what is said there. Throughout life, I have seen people who for a single choice set a direction and on the way, obstacles swelled, making the trip back a path of high personal cost. "Back is very difficult," a friend said to me, after many years of separation from God. I have heard others say, "This was not my intention. I never planned to get to this point. "

The problem is that it is not the intent, 
but the choices that determine the outcome.

The choices, in general, follow the same laws of agriculture:

(1) we reap what we sow; 
(2) we harvest in a different time; 
(3) we reap more than we sow.

Meditações Diárias 2014 – 6 de junho – Encontros com Deus

My exercise:

Add at least extra 15 - 20 minutes for stretching.

We are vegetarian/vegan - I don't cook with eggs and dairy products. But sometimes for different reasons occasionally we have it.  

Good night.

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