Monday, May 26, 2014

Day 25

Good morning

Salvation belongeth unto the Lord: thy blessing is upon thy people. 
Psalms 3:8

Refreshing water in the morning!
And during the day...
Ideal: 2 cups of warm water as soon as I wake up.
Sometimes I have tea.

God requires of His people continual advancement. We need to learn that indulged appetite is the greatest hindrance to mental improvement and soul sanctification. With all our profession of health reform, many of us eat improperly. Indulgence of appetite is the greatest cause of physical and mental debility, and lies largely at the foundation of feebleness and premature death. Let the individual who is seeking to possess purity of spirit bear in mind that in Christ there is power to control the appetite.{CCh 234.2}

People in Nature - Relaxing in Nature  1024*768 NO.28 Wallpaper


My exercise:

Swimming 45 minutes

Add at least extra 15 - 20 minutes for stretching.


We are vegetarian/vegan - I don't cook with eggs and dairy products. But sometimes for different reasons occasionally we have it.  

GoOd night.

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