Monday, May 26, 2014

Day 26

Good morning

Hear me when I call, O God of my righteousness: thou hast enlarged me when I was in distress; have mercy upon me, and hear my prayer.
Psalms 4:1

Refreshing water in the morning!
And during the day...
Ideal: 2 cups of warm water as soon as I wake up.
Sometimes I have tea.

There are but few as yet who are aroused sufficiently to understand how much their habits of diet have to do with their health, their characters, their usefulness in this worldand their eternal destiny. I saw that it is the duty of those who have received the light from heaven, and have realized the benefit of walking in it, to manifest a greater interest for those who are still suffering for want of knowledge. Sabbathkeepers who are looking for the soon appearing of their Saviour should be the last to manifest a lack of interest in this great work of reform. Men and women must be instructed, and ministers and people should feel that the burden of the work rests upon them to agitate the subject, and urge it home upon others.Testimonies for the Church 1:487-489, 1867 {CD 51.2}

Lord, I have so much to learn!

From Nathan
to Mom

Mom, I made this heart for you to tell you how much I love YOU!!!


My exercise:

Add at least extra 15 - 20 minutes for stretching.


We are vegetarian/vegan - I don't cook with eggs and dairy products. But sometimes for different reasons occasionally we have it.  

GoOd night.

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